The "C" Word

Someone once said, "Too often, we get so focused on the finish line that we fail to find joy in the journey." This is Brynn's journey. You are invited to share in her fear and faith as she ventures into unfamiliar territory. Thank you, in advance, for your prayers and support for Brynn and her family. This is OUR journey. As we work together and pray together, may we truly find joy along the way.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Week... I've lost count.

This week I had chemo on Monday and Tuesday. The nausea didn't really hit until Wednesday, then got worst on Thursday. By Friday night I was feeling back to normal besides a bit of soreness. My calves and ankles really hurt when I walk. Other than that this week has been pretty chill. I went over to my friend Kyra's house last night for a few hours and her dad and grandpa mad some delicious chicken and waffles! It was very yummy! We also watched a movie called "How to Train Your Dragon 2". It was really good! I had never seen it before. I also ate a lot of really good cheesy popcorn! I had a nice week and can't wait for Christmas to come! We were "adopted" by FOKWK for Christmas and got a ton of gifts! I have no clue what they are! Thanks for Checking in! Happy holidays! Bye!


  1. Wow! That's awesome that you got a bunch of Christmas gifts! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Not to be stupid, but...what is FOKWK? Glad you are feeling okay, I liked How to Train Your Dragon 2 too!
